قل نعم سيراكيوز
تحتفل مؤسسة "قل نعم سيراكيوز" هذا العام بمرور 15 عاماً من التأثير، حيث تعمل على تغيير حياة الطلاب وتمكينهم من خلال أحد أكثر برامج مساعدة الطلاب شمولاً في الولايات المتحدة.
To learn more about the impact Say Yes Syracuse is having on SCSD students, view its newly released 2021-2022 Report Card.
A new agreement between Say Yes Syracuse and Onondaga Community College will help Syracuse City School District graduates who attend OCC with their housing costs.
Two scholarships of $3,050 will be awarded and may be renewable annually for up to 4 years (or 5 years for engineering only), subject to the recipients’ continued full-time matriculation in their program of study and maintenance of a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher.
The mentorship program will connect Say Yes Syracuse college students with local professionals in an effort to retain talent in Central New York.