
如果每个人都能通过遗产将其资产的 5%捐献给慈善机构,想象一下,我们五县地区将会发生多么巨大的变化。 这些额外的支持将意味着我们当地的非营利组织每年将多获得数百万美元的资金,并将帮助资助各种先进的项目:课后项目、艺术教育、安全和经济适用房、环境保护、就业准备和经济发展、历史保护、动物福利……可能性是无穷的。

当您向社区基金会捐赠遗产时,您的慈善资金将与其他捐赠汇集在一起,进行投资,随着时间的推移不断增长,并用于资助改善纽约州中部社区的项目。 以下故事展示了我们在支持和促进您最喜爱的一些事业方面的资助和举措。 现在,请想象一下,有了您的支持,我们能做些什么!


Man sitting

Peter Wong, a former airline worker, found renewed purpose through North Area Meals on Wheels after health challenges left him isolated. With nutritious meals, friendly visits and vital support, he says, “It gives me a reason to get up and live a life.”

Two boys sitting together

Sixteen-year-old Azory Infinite dreams of redefining music while breaking cycles of poverty. Through the Good Life Youth Foundation's HipHop-preneurship program, youth like Infinite are learning about hip-hop, entrepreneurship and resilience, empowering them to rise above their circumstances.

Hear from Chayna Short, founder of Women Overcoming Obstacles Together, about how her transformative experiences with The Leadership Classroom (TLC) and our Participatory Grantmaking project provided her with guidance to develop, strengthen and grow her organization.