Refugee communities encounter a number of barriers when attempting to establish relationships with law enforcement agencies, resulting in many feeling unsafe. Laira T Batundi can relate—having immigrated to the U.S. from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo). That’s why he’s fiercely committed to bridging...

Two boys sitting together

Sixteen-year-old Azory Infinite dreams of redefining music while breaking cycles of poverty. Through the Good Life Youth Foundation's HipHop-preneurship program, youth like Infinite are learning about hip-hop, entrepreneurship and resilience, empowering them to rise above their circumstances.

Group of children standing together holding certificates

The Central New York Community Foundation recently distributed 19 grants totaling $239,850 from its Black Equity & Excellence Fund. Grants from the fund support Black-led nonprofit organizations and projects that counteract systemic racism.

Initially launched with a $1 million commitment in 2020, the BE&E Fund has since surpassed this amount, thanks to additional contributions from generous donors.

August is Black Philanthropy Month! Hear from Akua A. Goodrich to learn how she became a black philanthropist and community leader.

新美国聋人宣传公司(Deaf New American Advocacy, Inc.)创始人兼首席执行官莫努-切特里(Monu Chhetri)解释了参加 Resilia 对其组织成功的关键作用。

冬季之声 2024》:受资助者的故事

今年 7 月,艾弗森美术馆举办了弗兰克-布法罗-海德在纽约州的首次个展,展览旨在打破陈旧观念,邀请观众重新思考社会和媒体对土著人和土著文化的描述。

目前正在为 17 个主要服务于社会、文化和经济多元化居民的组织提供最先进的资源和一对一辅导。

向黑人领导的组织发放了 17 笔黑人平等与卓越基金赠款,总额达 238,200 美元。