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Hear from Andy Zepp, executive director, Finger Lakes Land Trust, about the importance of the organization’s new Shotwell Brook Conservation Project to protect and preserve the water quality of Skaneateles Lake.

Hear from Chayna Short, founder of Women Overcoming Obstacles Together, about how her transformative experiences with The Leadership Classroom (TLC) and our Participatory Grantmaking project provided her with guidance to develop, strengthen and grow her organization.

Hear from Jamie Hagenbuch, program manager, Mental Health First Aid at the Madison County Rural Health Council, as she shares how Mental Health First Aid training is enhancing support for youth in rural communities facing mental health challenges.

A Tiny Home for Good 的开发总监凯蒂-韦弗(Katie Weaver)介绍了 A Tiny Home for Good 如何通过一种住房解决方案来满足雪城贫困社区对经济适用房的迫切需求,从而为社区振兴做出贡献。

新美国聋人宣传公司(Deaf New American Advocacy, Inc.)创始人兼首席执行官莫努-切特里(Monu Chhetri)解释了参加 Resilia 对其组织成功的关键作用。

KS&R 总裁兼书之友志愿者迈克-纳什(Mike Nash)分享了他如何在短短几个月的志愿服务后就看到了书之友的积极影响。

纽约州立大学 ESF 学院写作资源中心讲师兼协调员、"写出来 "组织创始人兼主任雅各布-格德西斯(Jacob Gedetsis)记录了他通过 "领导力课堂 "实现转变的历程。

OneGroup 员工福利高级专家兼 "书友 "志愿者朱丽叶-纳宾格(Juliet Nabinger)分享了她如何将为锡拉丘兹市学区儿童读书的经历变成她一周中最美好的时光。

伊利运河国家遗产走廊项目经理 Ashley Quimby-Simoni 分享了如何在伊利运河步道沿线增加适应性娱乐项目,使各种能力的人都能参加运河挑战赛。