Man and woman standing in front of church

Jeff and Rachel embrace giving in every facet of life—through faith, family and community. Their philanthropy emphasizes local impact, inspiring others to give in meaningful ways.

Man and woman standing outside

Music has been a lifelong passion for retired physicians Dr. Harold L. Husovsky and Dr. Susan E. Stred, influencing the establishment of their donor-advised fund, Rhapsody in Green, that they use to support their charitable interests in music, education, and community needs.

Chedy sitting on steps

Giving Voice Spring 2024: Donor Story


教育是科纳家孩子的基石,他们的父母都是成功人士,具有公民意识。 现在,他们的父母通过社区基金会继承了他们的遗志,塑造年轻人的思想,支持重要的事业,确保子孙后代拥有更加光明的未来。

Pamela Monaco sitting with her dog

2024 年冬季 "奉献之声":奉献很重要

社区基金会的 "5forCNY "倡议邀请社区成员将自己的部分资产捐献给纽约州中部的慈善机构,这立即引起了迈克尔和苏珊-米斯的共鸣。

2024 年冬季 "奉献之声":捐赠者的故事


约翰-温特是一位尽职尽责的父亲、慈善家和边缘化社区的倡导者,他的精神将继续传承下去。 我们很荣幸能成为他慈善意愿的管理者,并继续他的使命,积极改善儿童的生活。

Group of women standing on stairs of chapel

Giving Voice Spring 2023: Donor Story