
Hear from Andy Zepp, executive director, Finger Lakes Land Trust, about the importance of the organization’s new Shotwell Brook Conservation Project to protect and preserve the water quality of Skaneateles Lake.

Peter Wong, a former airline worker, found renewed purpose through North Area Meals on Wheels after health challenges left him isolated. With nutritious meals, friendly visits and vital support, he says, “It gives me a reason to get up and live a life.”

Sixteen-year-old Azory Infinite dreams of redefining music while breaking cycles of poverty. Through the Good Life Youth Foundation's HipHop-preneurship program, youth like Infinite are learning about hip-hop, entrepreneurship and resilience, empowering them to rise above their circumstances.

Hear from Chayna Short, founder of Women Overcoming Obstacles Together, about how her transformative experiences with The Leadership Classroom (TLC) and our Participatory Grantmaking project provided her with guidance to develop, strengthen and grow her organization.

In May, leaders from four local grassroots groups celebrated their completion of The Leadership Classroom (TLC). After participating in monthly training sessions, each group received a grant to implement a community project that was proposed and planned during their training.

A Tiny Home for Good 的开发总监凯蒂-韦弗(Katie Weaver)介绍了 A Tiny Home for Good 如何通过一种住房解决方案来满足雪城贫困社区对经济适用房的迫切需求,从而为社区振兴做出贡献。