hand holding growing money

With so many of your charitably-inclined clients holding large sums of money in 401(k)s and IRAs, now is an important time for a brief refresher course on the benefits of deploying these accounts toward achieving clients’ philanthropic goals. Learn how you can help your clients...

Caragh D. Fahy, CFP®, owner and president of MadisonFinancial Planning Group was the 2024 and first recipient of our Partner in Philanthropy Award

hand holding growing money

Hear from Justin Miller, National Director of Wealth Planning at Evercore Wealth Management, on the importance of family philanthropy, and preparing future generations for success.

莱拉-莫吉廖(Leyla Morgillo)总是乐善好施,无论是付出时间还是金钱。 现在,她帮助她的客户在纽约州中部及其他地区进行同样的变革。

hand holding growing money

随着本年度的全面展开,现在正是顾问们回顾与慈善捐赠相关的一些基本税收原则的好时机。 以下是许多顾问最关心的三个问题,以及有助于您为客户服务的答案。

Pamela Monaco sitting with her dog

2024 年冬季 "奉献之声":奉献很重要

hand holding growing money

聆听高级副总裁兼关键私人银行市场主管 Julia Trivisonno 的演讲,了解金融心理学的应用如何对个人的理财心态和随之而来的行为至关重要,尤其是在考虑慈善捐赠时。

hand holding growing money

了解杰夫-克瑙斯(Jeff Knauss)和他的妻子如何利用他们的捐赠者建议,让他们的子女参与到他们的慈善事业中来,参与到他们提供支持和志愿服务的决策过程中来。

hand holding growing money

听听高级慈善顾问、工商管理硕士、CAP® Pragya Murphy 如何帮助您的客户利用未来潜在的流动性事件来支持他们最关心的社区事业。

Woman standing in doorway

Giving Voice Spring 2023: Giving Matters