Darrell Buckingham, program officer, facilitated breakout groups at the Whole Family Summit hosted by FOCUS Greater Syracuse & PEACE, Inc.
Katrina Crocker, vice president of communications, presented a breakout session about ethical and impactful storytelling at the PRSA Northeast District Conference.
Colby Cyrus, senior program manager, graduated from Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Dana Fiel, finance manager, graduated from Citizen’s Academy.
Danielle Johnson, senior director of grants & programs, participated in a panel discussion at the NY Funders Conference about why local reporting is important to a functioning democracy and how philanthropy can support it. At the same conference, Colby Cyrus, senior program manager, and Frank Ridzi, vice president of community investment, partnered with the Rochester Community Foundation to present about how funders can use data to understand community needs and develop solutions. Darrell Buckingham and Kanischa Miller, conducted a pre-conference workshop in partnership with the Greater Rochester Health Foundation regarding participatory grantmaking and strategies to support historically marginalized communities.
Melanie Littlejohn, president & CEO, presented to the Local Initiatives Support Corporation board of directors, in partnership with the Gifford Foundation, on the local landscape and the role of philanthropy in economic revitalization. She also served as the keynote speaker at the Association of Fundraising Professionals, CNY Chapter’s Philanthropy Day celebration breakfast. She was recognized on the Power 100 and Responsible 100 lists produced by City & State New York this fall. In addition, Melanie was appointed to the Mower board of directors.
Melanie Littlejohn, president & CEO, Kimberly Sadowski, vice president & chief financial officer, and Katrina Crocker, vice president of communications, appeared on the Cultivate CNY podcast to speak about leadership.
Juliet Maloff, senior communications officer, joined the Jewish Federation of CNY board of directors.
Kanischa Miller, program associate, served as a panelist at a Citizen’s Academy session regarding how philanthropy supports health and human services. She also spoke at the Citizen’s Academy graduation about the programs and services of the community Foundation. In addition, she served as a guest critic at Syracuse University’s School of Architecture for third-year undergraduate students.
Yeisha Núñez-Denson, accountant, graduated from the You Can’t Fail program.
Frank Ridzi, vice president of community investment, served as special advisor faculty at the Executive Leadership Institute of CF Leads in Washington D.C.
Kimberly Sadowski, vice president & chief financial officer, joined the board of directors for the MOST.
Cory Schad, senior events & communications manager, graduated from Leadership Greater Syracuse.
Ahmeed Turner, Vice President of Scholarships & Student Success and Executive Director of Say Yes Syracuse, participated in a panel discussion for Citizen’s Academy about local secondary and higher education.
Qiana Williams, program officer, graduated from The Funder’s Network’s PLACES program. In addition, she served as a juror for Lightwork’s Urban Video Project in an effort to commission a project that encompasses community engagement. Qiana served as a guest speaker at a SUNY Oswego anthropology class to discuss career development and she sat on a panel for Upstate Hospital students about community engagement.