Legados vivos

Jeff and Rachel embrace giving in every facet of life—through faith, family and community. Their philanthropy emphasizes local impact, inspiring others to give in meaningful ways.

La naturaleza inesperada y sin restricciones del legado de Lucy refleja el impacto silencioso pero profundo que las personas pueden tener en las causas que aprecian, incluso en ausencia de apoyo manifiesto en vida.

La educación era una piedra angular para los hijos de Koerner, inculcada por sus padres, exitosos y de mentalidad cívica. Ahora, el legado de sus padres de formar mentes jóvenes para apoyar causas vitales sigue vivo a través de la Fundación Comunitaria, garantizando un futuro...

La iniciativa 5forCNY de la Fundación Comunitaria, que invita a los miembros de la comunidad a retribuir a la región reservando una parte de sus activos para organizaciones benéficas del centro de Nueva York, resonó inmediatamente con Michael y Susan Meath.

Gwen's parents grew up in the Jim Crow South and met while studying at North Carolina A&T, a historically Black college and university. Her father entered a segregated Army and her mother was a teacher. It is this keen awareness of the sacrifices and triumphs...

A century ago, Cleveland banker Frederick Goff had a vision: pool the charitable resources of his community’s philanthropists into a single permanent endowment for the betterment of the city. That vision led to the formation of the Cleveland Foundation and a movement that has transformed...

George listened to each constituent and valued their time. He appreciated talent whether it was from a high school student or a senior citizen.

“I realized that the people in this community were the same people who helped me build the business and become financially successful, therefore I knew I needed to give back to the community that helped me so much.”

“They were sensationally good parents,” Joe remarked. Lang and Nini will both be remembered fondly by their family as kind, patient caregivers who loved each other, their family and their community with every fiber of their beings.