Historias de excelencia y equidad negra
Hear from Chayna Short, founder of Women Overcoming Obstacles Together, about how her transformative experiences with The Leadership Classroom (TLC) and our Participatory Grantmaking project provided her with guidance to develop, strengthen and grow her organization.
Los artistas expresan el corazón y el alma del distrito 15 de Siracusa: Colectivo de Artistas Negros
Giving Voice Invierno 2024: Historia de un becario
El Consejo Asesor para la Equidad y la Excelencia de los Negros se encarga de revisar las propuestas de subvenciones y de hacer recomendaciones de financiación, así como de identificar lagunas y oportunidades para crear un Nueva York Central más equitativo y económicamente inclusivo para...
The Black Equity & Excellence Advisory Council is charged with reviewing grant proposals and making funding recommendations as well as identifying gaps and opportunities to create a more equitable and economically inclusive Central New York for the Black community.
Seventeen grants from our Black Equity & Excellence Fund totaling $240,000 were distributed to support Black-led nonprofit organizations and projects that counteract systemic racism.
Last month’s Juneteenth parade, a city-wide expression of pride, brought together the Black community in a display of cultural recognition and social dialogue. Without the phenomenal work of Juneteenth Inc., the festival would not have touched as many hearts as it did.