Solicitud de subvención del Fondo de Mujeres
Noticias e Historias
El Fondo de Mujeres distribuye 55.000 $ en subvenciones a organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro de CNY
Las subvenciones financiarán proyectos que apoyen el avance y la plena participación de mujeres y ...
Grant Round Now Open! | Women's Fund of CNY
The Women’s Fund will award $5,000 grants to support programs and ideas that aim to ...
Women’s Fund Founders Built Legacy for Community’s Daughters and Granddaughters
The Women’s Fund now has more than $1.2 million in total assets and has awarded ...
Women's Fund Distributes $50,000 in Grants
$50,000 in grants will assist nonprofits serving Onondaga, Oswego, and Cayuga counties
Caragh Fahy: Giving for Generations
Caragh believes that building a financial plan is like putting together a puzzle and charitable ...
Grant Round is Open! | Women's Fund of CNY
The Women’s Fund will award ten $5,000 grants to support programs and ideas that aim ...
The Corinthian Club: A Legacy of Friendship and Progress
Giving Voice Spring 2022: Donor Story
Remembering Lois Schaffer
Lois was a founding member of the Women's Fund and a program officer at the ...
Whole Me Creates Real Change for CNY's Deaf Community
An important quality of Whole Me is that when a person who is deaf walks ...
El Fondo de Mujeres distribuye 55.000 $ en subvenciones a organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro de CNY
Las subvenciones financiarán proyectos que apoyen el avance y la plena participación de mujeres y ...
Grant Round Now Open! | Women's Fund of CNY
The Women’s Fund will award $5,000 grants to support programs and ideas that aim to ...
Women’s Fund Founders Built Legacy for Community’s Daughters and Granddaughters
The Women’s Fund now has more than $1.2 million in total assets and has awarded ...
Women's Fund Distributes $50,000 in Grants
$50,000 in grants will assist nonprofits serving Onondaga, Oswego, and Cayuga counties
Caragh Fahy: Giving for Generations
Caragh believes that building a financial plan is like putting together a puzzle and charitable ...
Grant Round is Open! | Women's Fund of CNY
The Women’s Fund will award ten $5,000 grants to support programs and ideas that aim ...
The Corinthian Club: A Legacy of Friendship and Progress
Giving Voice Spring 2022: Donor Story
Remembering Lois Schaffer
Lois was a founding member of the Women's Fund and a program officer at the ...
Whole Me Creates Real Change for CNY's Deaf Community
An important quality of Whole Me is that when a person who is deaf walks ...