Charitable Activities for Children

10 Easy Charitable Giving Activities for Children & Families
1. CNY Community Foundation’s ‘Making a Difference’ Activity - Utilize the Community Foundation’s Lesson Plan and Children’s Activity Sheet [do this by navigating to Give to the Community dropdown, selecting When to Give, then going to the Children's Activities Lesson Plan page, under Helping Children Give] to start a conversation with children about how they can make a difference in a multitude of ways.
2. Plan a Charitable Birthday Party - Pick a favorite cause with your child, select a charity that is addressing that cause and find out what their donation needs are. Ask party invitees to bring an item to donate (bag of dog food, canned goods, article of clothing, etc.) in lieu of gifts. After the party, take your child with you to deliver the donations.
3. Split Allowance - Label three jars with “spend,” “save” and “give.” Ask your child to split their allowance between the three jars. For example, 50% to spend, 25% to save and 25% to give. Utilize the resources at to help your child identify a cause to support with their donation money.
4. Spread Some Cheer - Ask children to create pictures or homemade greeting cards for seniors, families in shelters, children's hospital patients or troops overseas. can assist with delivery.
5. Donate Unused Toys - Ask children to identify gently used toys or clothes that they are finished with and could be put to greater use by someone else. Arrange to take your children with you to drop the goods off at a community center or shelter so that they can experience the joy that comes with giving and receiving gratitude in return.
6. Celebrate Giving During Holidays
a. Holiday Gatherings - Send a note to friends and family you will see over the holidays and ask them to each purchase/bring a new travel size toiletry item, pair of socks or other basic need item and bring it to the gathering at which you plan to see them. Have the children in the group do the collecting and package things up. Plan a drop off with your children to donate all the items collected.
b. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa - While you are taking your children present shopping, together pick out an extra toy to donate to Toys for Tots or other holiday gift collection.
c. Halloween - Donate a portion of your loot by taking part in Halloween Candy Buy Back to help Operation Gratitude and troops overseas:
d. New Year’s Eve/Day - Create a Family Mission Statement by drafting a paragraph or two with your family that expresses your shared beliefs, values and what you hope to accomplish. Revisit this each New Year to evaluate what you accomplished towards your goals last year and how you can shape your resolutions for the coming year.
e. Easter - As a family, create Easter baskets to deliver to children at your local children's hospital.
7. Good Deed’s Day - Grab the kids and join others around the globe in a quest to fill the world with a little more kindness. In the end, the deed itself may not be as important as making that connection and watching it ripple.
8. Donate Blood - Take your children with you so they see you as a model for giving. Talk to them about why you choose to donate blood and what you hope it will accomplish by doing so.
9. Help Fundraise - Pull together a fundraising project (car wash, lemonade stand, etc.) for your children to promote and take part in for the benefit of their favorite charity. Offer to match all or a portion of the money they raise.
10. Feed Homeless Animals - Buy dog or cat food and take it to the local humane society or animal rescue. Allow your children to spend some time with the recipients of the gift.