Greater Pulaski Community Endowment Fund Grants Distributed

Half Shire Historical Society received $10,000 to purchase concrete for additions to their barn and pavilion.

Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. received $5,985 to replace an existing ramp and decking at Salmon Meadow Lane Individualized Residential Alternative (IRA), a residence for individuals with developmental disabilities with mobility needs.

Preservation Revitalization of Pulaski received $4,465 in support of a new storage shed to safely secure materials and event supplies.

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County received $4,625 to connect to the Town of Richland water supply and to update its plumbing system.

Salmon River Fine Arts Center received $5,025 to offer free art projects and classes to children of all ages living in Pulaski and neighboring towns.

St. James Episcopal Church of Pulaski received $5,000 to replace the handicap-accessible ramp at the church entrance to meet current ADA standards.

Child Advocacy Center for Oswego County (CAC Foundation) received $2,683 to purchase furniture for children and adults in its Pulaski office waiting room.

Pulaski Area Pop Warner received $5,000 to purchase football gear and cheer uniforms as well as repair its bleachers and tower.

Read to Them received $2,077 to support its One School One Book program, which provides low-income students with printed, age-appropriate books.

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County received $5,720 to make improvements to its driveway, porch and walkway for use by visitors to its free medical clinic.

Pulaski Sports Booster Club received $4,500 to expand the offerings in the Snack Shack and for a new football field sound system.

Salmon River Fine Arts Center received $4,000 to provide free and discounted classes for people of all ages and backgrounds as well as introduce art to different community locations.

Salmon River Ice Hockey Association received $4,500 to purchase water bottle feeders and a floor cleaner for its arena, as well as upgrade the water mechanism for its ice-resurface system.

United Friends of Homeless Animals received $5,000 to offer low-cost spay/neuter services to the community and assist with spaying and neutering feral cats.

Half Shire Historical Society received $10,000 to remove and replace damaged main entrance sidewalks.

Pulaski Historical Society received $3,500 to upgrade computers and printers.

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County received $5,735 to replace the furnace in its headquarters.

Salmon River Fine Arts Center received $4,264 to support its outreach program offering free senior art classes and to purchase equipment for their pottery studio.

United Friends of Homeless Animals received $4,000 to offer a reduced-cost spay and neuter program, as well as conduct spaying and neutering on feral cats.


Between March 2020 and March 2021, the following grants were awarded on a rolling basis to provide support to local nonprofits and populations who were disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. With generous support from the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust and individual community members, the Greater Pulaski Community Endowment Fund provided rapid and responsive relief grants during the pandemic.

Bethel Community Center – $2,900
Replace steel roof to preserve the community center

C.A.C. Foundation – $3,000
Provide PPE, thermometers and other safety measures to employees and clients in Pulaski

CNY Bear Team – $1,000
Build, dress and deliver stuffed bears to hospitalized children

Half-Shire Historical Society – $2,500
Update technology to better serve patrons in Pulaski

Oswego County Opportunities – $5,000
Provide transportation to the senior population or Pulaski residents to essential destinations such as the grocery store, pharmacy and doctors’ appointments

Pulaski-Boylston Snowmobile Club – $2,000
Purchase trailer to transport equipment used for trail upkeep

Pulaski Community Cupboard Food Pantry – $2,000
Provide the Pulaski community with much-needed food

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County – $1,500
Purchase an EKG machine for free clinic in Pulaski

Salmon River Fine Arts Center – $3,120
Offer a variety of virtual art classes designed to help relieve stress and encourage the development of skills for youth in Pulaski

United Friends of Homeless Animals – $2000
Provide food, litter, supplies and veterinary visits for our homeless animals

The Bear Team received $1,000 to purchase 120 stuffed animals for young patients at the Joslin Diabetes Center.

Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County received $5,000 to purchase tools to support creative and therapeutic counseling modalities within its Victim Intervention Mental Health Counseling Program at its satellite office in the Village of Pulaski.

Friends of Oswego County Hospice, Inc. received $1,000 to cover the cost of at least ten children from the greater Pulaski area to attend Camp Rainbow of Hope, a free bereavement program for children ages 8 to 12.

Friends of Salmon River Visitor’s Center and Int’l Sport received $1,145 to add audio and video presentation capability by adding flat panel displays and a fifty-inch flat screen television with sound bar for video presentations.

Half Shire Historical Society received $7,835 to relocate furnaces, add ductwork and put in two central air units and a gas fireplace.

Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. received $1,900 to upgrade an aging fire alarm system at one of our Pulaski residential facilities for individuals with development disabilities.

Preservation Revitalization of Pulaski received $2,000 to install a pedestal for the statue of Bella in the South Park and to further beautify the area.

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County, Inc. received $4,738 to replace windows in their headquarters.

Salmon River Fine Arts Center received $758 to purchase a point of sale system to accept credit cards, a locking file cabinet and pens.

United Friends of Homeless Animals, Inc. received $3,000 to offer a reduced-cost spay and neuter program to assist families that cannot afford the hefty cost of spaying and neutering their cats and dogs.

Bethel Community Center received $4,700 for exterior repairs and improvements as part of an ongoing effort to restore the Center’s historic building to its original status.

Friends of Oswego County Hospice received $2,000 to cover the cost of 10 children from the Pulaski area to attend Camp Rainbow of Hope, a free bereavement program for children ages eight to 12 who have lost a loved one.

Half Shire Historical Society received $5,000 to restore the facility’s 1926 stage, which is used for community presentations and performances.

Oswego County Opportunities received $5,600 to help purchase and install a Whirlpool Park tub in its Salmon Meadow Lane home in Pulaski. The tub will provide therapeutic care for residents with ongoing mobility limitations.

Preservation Revitalization of Pulaski (PROP) received $800 to purchase two race timer systems for the Winterfest run and expanded events, and to update PROP’s logo.

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County received $8,000 to create a working, instructional kitchen for onsite healthy cooking classes.

Village of Pulaski Public Library received $3,000 to construct and install a single-faced shelving unit for the juvenile area of the library. In addition to displaying children’s books, the wall unit will also free up space for tables and program activities.

Bethel Community Center received $3,000 to repair, sand and refinish the Center’s floor in anticipation of reopening the historic building to the public.

Friends of Oswego County Hospice received $2,000 to send 10 local children to Camp Rainbow of Hope. The camp is a residential experience for children ages 8-12 who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Half Shire Historical Society received $8,000 to install vinyl laminate flooring in its headquarters located in the former Richland Hamlet School.

Preservation Revitalization of Pulaski (PROP) received $2,000 to sponsor entertainment for its community festivals including the Old Home Days Festival and Light Up Pulaski and $3,000 in support of its downtown beautification and improvement program.

Pulaski Academy Prom Committee received $1,000 to host an after-prom gathering at an entertainment facility to ensure student safety.

Pulaski Community Ministries received $1,000 to design and purchase marketing materials for its Community Cupboard food pantry.

Pulaski Congregational Church received $2,500 to host a LaVeck Concert featuring local CNY artists. The concert series is designed to make music accessible to the local community.

Pulaski Farmers’ Market received $2,000 to purchase portable toilets and advertising for the event.

Pulaski Historical Society received $2,500 to purchase a large-format photo scanner which will allow for the creation of a digital archive of preserved historical information.

Bethel Community Center received $3,500 to repair interior walls and trim, update electrical wiring and install a new bathroom to help preserve the Center’s historic structure for community use.

Friends of Oswego County Hospice received $1,000 to support the cost of sending Pulaski-area children to Camp Rainbow of Hope. The camp provides children ages 8-12 who have experienced the loss of a loved one with counseling services and activities such as storytelling and healing circles.

Half-Shire Historical Society received $2,500 to purchase a new laptop computer to use for scanning photos at community events. The new equipment will allow the organization to expand its digital collection of historical photos to aid in family history research. Funding will also be used to print a backlog of digital images to be placed in archival albums.

Lions Club of Pulaski received $1,149 to purchase an awning for the Club’s food wagon. The upgrade will allow for all-weather food service during community events.

Oswego County Opportunities received $5,000 to purchase and install a Lift and Care System to help wheelchair-bound residents of its Salmon Meadow Lane home transfer in and out of their wheelchairs safely and more efficiently.

Pulaski Area Pop Warner received $2,500 to purchase new helmets for its football team. The new helmets will replace outdated helmets to ensure the safety of the children while playing.

Pulaski Community Ministries received $1,000 to purchase a laptop computer and supplies for its Community Cupboard food pantry. The upgrades will allow for online reporting and ordering to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

Richland Hamlet Recreation Association received $3,000 to purchase “Hamlet of Richland” and holiday banners to beautify the hamlet, bolster community pride and honor Richland’s historical identity.

Sage Brook Horse Foundation & Youth Program received $3,000 to install a round horse pen for its youth horse riding program. The program matches horses in need of a new home with youth in need of a friend.

Salmon River Fine Arts Center received $1,660 to purchase a pottery wheel, kiln vent and dehumidifier for use by community art classes in the Center’s newly renovated basement workshop space.

Bethel Community Center received $3,500 to support the installation of a two tiered deck at the center’s entrance. The project will provide members of the organization and community with a safe entrance and exit from the center.

Monday Historical Club received $4,000 to refurbish the early pioneers and founders monument in South Park. The restoration will help prolong the life of the monument which has been an integral part of the South Park landscape for 105 years.

Preservation Revitalization of Pulaski (PROP) received $3,500 to purchase tents that will be used at various sponsored events. This will allow PROP to make its events much more feasible and allow them to become financially independent. These tents will be used in multiple projects and be available for use for other non-profit events.

Pulaski Area Little League received $2,500 to make restrooms at the Otis Field facility handicapped accessible. The restrooms have not been remodeled since the building was built around 1980.

Pulaski Historical Society received $4,700 to purchase a storage barn that will house artifacts and displays. The barn will allow the Historical Society to preserve and exhibit more of Pulaski’s history to the public and enhance the experience of seeing some of the larger items in its collection.

Rural and Migrant Ministry of Oswego County received $1,000 to purchase locking file cabinets and replace outdated office furniture. The new additions will make the building more user friendly for its staff and ensure the protection of confidential documents.

United Friends of Homeless Animals received $6,440 to develop a spay/neuter program for the village of Pulaski and town of Richland. The program will help with limiting the amount of feral cats breeding and spreading disease

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