Black Equity & Excellence Promotional Resources
Congratulations on receiving your Black Equity & Excellence grant! We look forward to seeing the good it will help you do in our region. We encourage you to share the news of this grant to raise awareness of the valuable work you are doing in the community. The following communication guidelines will assist you with these promotions.
In all materials, describe your funding as a Black Equity & Excellence grant from the Central New York Community Foundation.
Promote your project with a news release to the local media. Here is a sample press release to help you get started. If you’re inviting the media out to cover your project or event, invite us too by sending the information to
Please use the following description of the Community Foundation in press releases and other write-ups about topics pertaining to our work.
The Central New York Community Foundation is a public charity that turns community dollars into community change. Established in 1927, it receives contributions from donors, manages them to grow over time and then distributes funding to address the region’s greatest needs. The foundation has invested more than $270 million in community projects that benefit Central New York. It also serves as a civic leader, convener and sponsor of strategic initiatives that foster a thriving and equitable region and address the most critical issues of our time.
Spread the word about your project through social media channels such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. You can tag the Community Foundation (@CNYCF) on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
Sample Social Media Posts
Include photos when possible.
When a grant is awarded:
“Thank you to @CNYCF for supporting [INSERT ORGANIZATION] with a Black Equity & Excellence grant to [INSERT SPECIFICS OF PROJECT.] Partnerships with supporters like you help us [INSERT APPROPRIATE PHRASE OF DETAIL i.e. achieve our goals, feed XXX children, build XXXX, etc.]
When project is launched (with picture or video):
We just [opened, fed, built, launched, whatever the details of project] thanks to a @CNYCF Black Equity & Excellence grant, which made this possible. [details of how this project expands your organization’s impact].
When the grant is awarded:
“Thank you @CNYCF for supporting [INSERT ORGANIZATION] with a Black Equity & Excellence grant, which will help us [INSERT DESCRIPTION].
When project is launched (with picture or video):
We just [opened, fed, built, launched, short details of project]. Thanks @CNYCF for the Black Equity & Excellence grant that made it possible!
You are welcome and encouraged to use our logo on any collateral materials about your project, including websites, email blasts, brochures, and posters. You can download our logo here.
We often feature stories of our grantees through our social media, website, newsletters and annual report. If you have a story or photos that you would like to share about your grant, please contact Juliet Maloff, Communications Officer.
Contact us at any time for questions and guidance.