Eino Edwin Rautio Memorial Scholarship Fund

Eino Edwin Rautio immigrated to America with his family as a three-year-old boy during WWI. His family was fleeing the Bubonic plague and the Russian invasion. When he was in 7th grade, he was forced to leave school to work as a farm laborer in order to support his family. He later became a certified ham radio operator, despite limited resources. In the middle of the Great Depression, he creatively built his own radios from scavenged parts. His son, James Rautio, followed in his father’s footsteps and became a certified ham radio operator. With guidance from his father and teachers and coaches at Tioga Central High School, he later created a successful broadcast company. James established the Eino Edwin Rautio Memorial Scholarship Fund in honor of his father to provide scholarship awards to graduating seniors of Tioga Central High School pursing higher education in the fields of engineering, science, math and technology. To apply for this scholarship, please contact Tioga Central High School.