Over the course of her life, Anne faced challenges with determination and perseverance. As a single mother of two young boys, there were times when she struggled to feed her family. She was blessed to have met special people who helped her navigate through those hard times and to come out on the other side. They connected her with community resources that helped her gain an education, provide healthy food for her children and start a successful career in business.
Looking back on the life lessons she learned as a child coupled with the support she received along the way, she now feels a strong desire to help others by giving back to the same community that so greatly impacted her life.
Anne’s past life experiences have forged a close bond with organizations that support families facing the same challenges that she once did. Programs that feed hungry families and provide basic needs for children are very important to her. She also holds a special place in her heart for programs that help single mothers continue their studies to be successful in business.
She feels fortunate to now be in a place where she can support the causes she cares about. Anne established a fund with us that will provide for her favorite charities in perpetuity. A portion of her estate will be contributed to the fund when she passes away, so she can continue to give back to the community that has given her so much.
To know her time on earth will make a difference forever is an exciting concept.
“This community connected me to my dear friends, and lit a pathway to a solid education and a productive career,” she said. “I love knowing that my money is staying in Central New York. It belongs here.”Anne is giving a portion of her estate to charity. She hopes others within the community will do the same. As she once stated, “the difference it will make is immeasurable.”