Growing up, William had three little mothers – his sisters. In the hospital they acted like little nurses, and at home they helped with feeding and therapy. William’s mother was scared when he started school because he would have to leave her immediate presence. But just like with his sisters, the other children loved him and couldn’t get enough of him. They would talk to him, tell secrets and make him laugh. Regardless of his handicap, the kids showed him unconditional love. His mother exclaimed, “they would help him, and honestly, I think he helped them too.”
In 2007, William’s heart couldn’t keep up with the demands of his growing body and he passed away. The kids in his class planted a tree in their schoolyard in his memory. They asked the family if they could get together and talk about William with them. It was the first day the family picked their heads up off of their chests.
The Johsnons started the Run/Walk for William to raise money for an annual scholarship that will be awarded to local high school seniors going into the field of therapy, because therapists were so instrumental in giving William a normal life. With assistance they opened the William Johnson Memorial Fund.
William has been gone for years, but the Johnsons believe he is still helping everyone by reminding them of the important things in life.
“He was quite a treasure and always will be,” said his mother. “You can never underestimate the power of the powerless.”