Giving Stories

August is Black Philanthropy Month! We asked our donors how they came to be philanthropists. Here’s what Marion Ervin had to say.

August is Black Philanthropy Month! We asked our donors how they came to be philanthropists. Here’s what Caeresa Richardson had to say.

August is Black Philanthropy Month! We asked our donors how they came to be philanthropists. Here’s what Calvin Corriders had to say.

August is Black Philanthropy Month! We asked our donors how they came to be philanthropists. Here’s what Joe Lee had to say.

The FM Model UN Club and the CNY Model UN Conference are helping to create a new generation of philanthropists.

In late March, thirteen sorority chapters of the Panhellenic Council at Syracuse University joined forces to raise money for those impacted by COVID-19 by using a unique fundraising strategy.

We asked our donor-advised fundholders why they chose to give to the COVID-19 Community Support Fund during this crisis. Here’s what the Borer Family had to say:

When one of Central New York’s long-time school teachers passed away last year, her estate named the Community Foundation the recipient of nearly $300,000 to serve our community’s greatest needs.