August 29, 2022 – The Central New York Community Foundation’s LeadSafeCNY initiative is inviting residents to design projects that address childhood lead poisoning in Syracuse by increasing lead testing of children. The winning project(s) will be funded with a pool of $150,000 in grant dollars.
Participatory budgeting is a type of community engagement in which residents decide how to allocate funding through a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making. Resident volunteers will meet this fall and winter to brainstorm, share, and discuss ideas for projects. Attendees will hear from county and city officials, community leaders and residents as they share stories and expertise.
Then groups of volunteers will develop the ideas into feasible proposals. Next spring, volunteers will vote for the proposal they believe best serves the community’s needs. In May 2023, the Community Foundation will fund the winning idea(s) with a pool of $150,000 in grant dollars.
All meetings will be held at various locations within Syracuse from 6:30-8:30 pm. Food, translation and childcare will be available.
To view the full meeting schedule and sign up to participate, residents can click here.